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Two Nerds Walk Into a Bookstore

by Papa Fiddler
75 / 5.6k


Often it is that two ponies will meet and discover an affinity for eachother, deciding to spend more and more time together. Time brings familiarity, familiarity brings comfort, and comfort brings happiness.

Two such ponies are Stygian and Sunburst. Following Stygian’s return and subsequent reformation (in which Sunburst played a key role), the two found themselves drawn to one another. Long talks in the library, comparing Sunburst’s knowledge of historical events to Stygian’s memory of the same events, there was a little something that they seemed to enjoy about eachother. After one particularly awkward night, Stygian popped the question, one thing led to another, and now they’ve been officially dating for a good three months.

Today, they’ve gone out to a cafe together. Maybe later they’ll take a look in a used bookstore. Who can say what will happen, until it indeed happens?

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1 comment
null but not void

This was really cute!, and I loved the mix of nerding out with cuddling. You did well with both aspects.